Tuesday, August 29, 2017
Warm Fuzzies are hiding in Team Awa
Catching Up with our Friends from EduKids Wairakei
On Thursday we caught up with our friends from EduKids Wairakei during Learning Through Play and Lunch Time.
Team Awa's visit to the Christchurch Art Gallery and Canterbury Museum
Team Awa had a wonderful time at the Art Gallery and Museum. Thank you to the parents that helped out to make our outing possible.
Friday, August 25, 2017
Kapa Haka and Pasifika Group - Upcoming Performances
Please put the following dates in your diaries. Hereora Cultural Festival: Mon/Tues 11-12th September Junior and Senior Kapa Haka and Pasifika Groups, 6pm at the Aurora Centre. Tūhono Kapa Haka Competition: Fri 22nd September Senior Kapa Haka Performance Group, 4pm at Hillview Christian School. Tickets and performance details for the Hereora Festival will come home next Thursday, and the following Thursday for Tūhono. Please look out for these in your child’s bag, as tickets will be limited. Ngā mihi Rachel, Viola and Janet, Cultural Team
Tuesday, August 15, 2017
Care Catchers
Isleworth School launches a new initiative, celebrating the value of caring....
Monday, August 14, 2017
Reading Together Workshop
Wednesday, August 9, 2017
Wheelie, wheelie fun
Team Awa had a lot of fun racing around our school on wheels day.
Time to learn the time
Team Awa has been learning about the different ways we measure time.
Learning to read
In Team Awa we have many different activities to help us learn to read, write and recognise letters and words.
Buddy Reading
A change up of the buddy classes means we have some new buddies to read to this term.
Monday, August 7, 2017
Cultural Festival Tickets
Pre-booked tickets are now available for an adult to pick up from the office.
Friday, August 4, 2017
Wheels Day
We are excited to invite our Isleworth students to bring their wheels for a fun day in the playground next Tuesday, (August 8).