Thursday, July 28, 2016

Learning through play

In Team Awa we have learning through play time three mornings a week before our dedicated literacy and numeracy times.

In the photos below you can see some of the children's rich learning experiences during this time.

We practice our shapes, words, letters, numbers and fine motor skills as we draw and write with chalk.

Sometimes mysterious dinosaur footprints appear and our storytelling skills are tested through pretend play.

We develop our persistence and imaging skills as we work on hard puzzles.

Our fine motor skills, forward planning and creative thinking come in to play as we create with the blocks, k'nex and construction toys.

We develop a story together and practice our oral language through pretend play when we use the dolls house, dinosaurs, puppets, cars, robin hood set and soft toys.

The drawing table helps to develop our creativity, our fine motor skills and strengthen our pen grip.

We have many different puzzles and games to help us remember our letters, blends, numbers and sight words.

This is just one morning of learning through play in Team Awa, the activities and the learning can change on any given day to keep in interesting for the students and to encourage them to mix with different students and different activities. The whole time students are developing their oral language skills and social skills and becoming more and more confident with each other and within the classroom.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Kelly Sports fun

Team Awa had an amazing time on Tuesday afternoon with the Kelly Sports coaches. 

It was great to be able to get active and spend some time in the afternoon running, jumping, throwing and catching to practice and develop skills while having lots of fun.

You can see the fun we had in the pictures below.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Māori Language Week

This week is Māori Language Week. 

We have been practicing our Te Reo Māori greetings at the start and end of the day. You can take part too, try using "mōrena" instead of "good morning" or "ka kite anō" for "see you later"

The theme for Māori Language Week this year is "ākina te reo" which means "behind you all the way". This theme is all about using te reo Māori to support people and to cheer them on. 

You can cheer your child on and introduce them to some new Māori words by using "Tau kē" to say "awesome" or "Karawhiua" to encourage them to "give it heaps".

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Matariki Performance

On Thursday Team Awa attended a Matariki performance with the rest of Isleworth School. 
Three performers from the Court Theater came to entertain us with their amazing acting, singing and puppets, while teaching us some more about one of the stories of Matariki