Monday, September 19, 2016

Last week of term

Here is a quick reminder of some of the things happening this week.
Wednesday 21st is wheels day
Children can wear their house colours if they choose and are able to ride on their scooter, skateboard, bike etc at morning tea and afternoon play times. Helmets are required and children will not be allowed to ride without a helmet (this includes scooters)

Friday 23rd is loud shirt day.
Children bring a gold coin donation for the deaf association and wear a loud/bright shirt to raise awareness. 

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Save the date for school athletics day 18/10/16

Isleworth School is having a school athletics event, split over two dates.
 Junior students (aged 5-8) will be competing on Tuesday the 18th of October (Postponement date Thursday 20th October) and Senior students on Tuesday the 25th of October (Postponement date Wednesday 26th October).
Parents are welcome to attend these events to watch the students compete in a range of sports.
More details will follow closer to the event this is simply a quick note to let you know so you can save the date and make necessary arrangements if you wish to attend.
On both dates students will be asked to wear appropriate clothes in their house colours. If you do not know your child's house or colour, please come into room six (the red room) to check which coloured card their photo is on or check in their home learning book.
We will be practicing athletics events during class time so could you please ensure your child wears appropriate running shoes to school everyday that they can independently put on and take off.

Moving into the green room

We are very lucky in Team Awa. 
As you may have seen room five has been painted and is now the green room. Starting this week we have been able to use it as a learning space. 
We have already used it for independent writing and reading with the teacher as well as some group work and are looking forward to being able to learn over three bright, freshly painted areas. 
Please feel free to have a walk through our amazing learning space and check out the children's work on the walls including some of their writing, photos and artwork from production.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Cold, hail and rain

Thursday's weather was not the best for playing outside so we had a lot of time inside the classroom. To keep us busy at morning tea and afternoon play we had some GoNoodle on to keep us moving. Since the weather, especially the hail was so exciting we were able to write great stories about it and even made some snowflakes during learning through play time.

Here are a few excerpts from the children's writing about the weather and pictures of making snowflakes

"The weather was icy"

"Clouds are soft. They pour down when they come to a too tall mountain. Clouds go over the sun."

"The weather was cold"

"I like clouds. They can snow when it is winter and they hail."

"The weather was hailing" 

Friday, September 2, 2016


We have been learning about measurement.

We used a piece of string to measure how tall we were and then using things around the classroom to measure how long it was. 
We found out how many tiles tall we are, or how many planes, or maybe how many sticks tall. 
Some children even compared their height to bigger things around the classroom to see if they were taller or shorter than the bookshelf or the puppet theater or even if they were taller or shorter than each other. 

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Art - Painting

Some amazing painting was happening in Team Awa today,
you can see some of the students' beautiful paintings below.